Adding Vue.js to my CV
A the end of 2021 I started at company Labster, which has brought an interesting challenge to me - develop web applications using popular library vue.js. I already have solid experience with react so I was keen to learn vue.js to gain new experience and perspective on Single Page App development.
Of course, both react and vue.js share many things. It's all JavaScript and concepts like components, state, events... are the same. The most noticeable difference is that react is a library while vue.js is a framework. So vue.js is more driving the course of the development and offers more features out of the box.
I do not want to dive into a comparison, they both have some advantages and disadvantages. To literary say "this one is better" would require a lot of thinking and consideration and it's difficult anyway because I'm not simply re-doing the same projects in vue.js that I've done in react. Nonetheless, vue.js is interesting and I'm glad I can add it to my professional CV.