
I've just released a new version of Cerberus application. I made the first version a couple of years ago build on PHP and jQuery. Now I've released a brand new version.

Cerberus tracks my incomes, debts and outlays. I made it for myself when I started freelancing because it's vital for a freelancer to have a good view of all projects and how much hours did they take.

It's a client-server app. The client is built on react, typescript and GraphQL. The server is built on node.js, apollo, and MongoDB cached with Redis. Back-end can be spinned up easily using docker-compose - MongoDB is not included, I use 3rd party service for that, so it's available publicly.

Check version online with sample data that you can play around with.

If you'd like to run your own instance, you can find all the code on my github.

Project details

Date: December 24, 2019
Technologies: HTML5 & CSS3, ITCSS, SASS, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Node.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, Webpack, Redis, Docker
Github: https://github.com/alestrunda/cerberus-client
Website: https://cerberus-client.netlify.com/