Frontend developer

also working as


About me


First developer experience

First developer experience in a school project in high school.

IT university

Studying IT at VUT Brno.

First part-time job

First part-time job as WordPress developer at Nexdesign web studio.

ThemeForest developer

Cooperating with other freelancers and selling templates on ThemeForest. Created 7 templates with more than 1500 sales in total.

Full-time freelancer

Freelancing as a frontend and WordPress developer. And working as a contractor for various web studios.


First project using modern JavaScript - web app built with React.

IT degree

BSc degree, thesis: educational web and mobile app in React and React Native.


Full-time job as a Frontend Developer in a well-established Czech company.


Full-time job as a Software Engineer in international corporate.


Full-time job as a Frontend Developer in an international dynamically growing startup.


Full-time job as a Staff Software Engineer in a big international cybersecurity company.

Vast Experience

Over about 10 years of being a professional software engineer, I've worked in many industries and for companies of various sizes.

Precise Development

My focus is on complex tailored solutions. Without depending on templates or low-code tools.

High quality code

linters, speed optimizations, cross-browser support, design patterns, automated tests, best security practices, accessibility, on-page SEO...

"The cowards never started and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen. Us."

Phil Knight


Selected Works

Restaurant Next

Restaurant Next

Simple restaurant template built on Next.js



Brand new websites in WordPress for company building houses.



Cerberus application for tracking incomes, debts and outlays

Web Ales Trunda

Web Ales Trunda

My personal web sites on Gatsby (React)

Vocabulary Scholar

Vocabulary Scholar

Educational application for studying english words. Web and mobile app, published on Google Play.



Modern web pages

LK Baits 2

LK Baits 2

Frontend for LK Baits e-shop



E-shop on WooCommerce



Simple bakery template powered by Gatsby (React) that makes the web lightning fast



E-shop made on WooCommerce (WordPress), modern clean design

Excelsior template

Excelsior template

Modern multipurpose template

Omega template

Omega template

Set of modern multipurpose templates

Screen Servis

Screen Servis

Presentational web sites on WordPress

ČSAD Kyjov

ČSAD Kyjov

Wew web sites for ČSAD Kyjov

LK Baits

LK Baits

New LK Baits e-shop

Simple games

Simple games

Games: snake, m,n,k-game (two players, version Tic-Tac-Toe also against computer), tenis (two players). Made with js and canvas.



Example of email template for newsletter

Built template

Built template

HTML template made under partnership with IgnitionThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Lucid template

Lucid template

Experimental web template made to test some other web development techniques I haven't used before

Pizzeria template

Pizzeria template

HTML template made under partnership with IgnitionThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Smarty Template

Smarty Template

HTML template made under partnership with jThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Hometastic template

Hometastic template

HTML template made under partnership with IgnitionThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Multipurpose badge

Multipurpose badge

Multipurpose vector badge, easy adjustable (size, color...). Available for purchase - contact me.

Bakery template

Bakery template

HTML template made under partnership with IgnitionThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Reflect template

Reflect template

HTML template made under partnership with IgnitionThemes. Design in PSDs provided, I made the rest. Available on Themeforest.

Concentration Game Pexeso

Concentration Game Pexeso

Game was originally created just for a reference to some jQuery project, however I placed it on in case somebody's interested.

Precise template

Precise template

Simple template for web under construction, successfully published on Themeforest with more than 400 sales.

Some interesting facts


my recent github commits


sloppy projects


years of professional experience


finished software courses

Latest News

Master your CSP header setup

Master your CSP header setup

Master your CSP header setup

  • Aleš Trunda
  • January 11, 2025
In December 2024, I had the opportunity to present at a front-end meetup in Prague (link). For the topic, I chose "Master Your CSP Header Setup" (CSP…

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10 years in software

10 years in software

10 years in software

  • Aleš Trunda
  • January 21, 2024
Starting this year I reached "10 years in software" anniversary. I'm not counting the time I worked part time during studies, only full-time…

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

  • Aleš Trunda
  • April 02, 2023
AI has been all over the place lately. I've too tried ChatGPT. It sure isn't perfect and I can't imagine I would let it write code for me. Maybe some…

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Web & mobile apps
Web sites
  • ES6+, Typescript, React, Vue
  • npm, yarn, webpack, gulp
  • CSS3, SASS, BEM, Tailwind
  • Redux, Vuex
  • JAM stack, Gatsby (React)
  • Git, CI/CD, Netlify, Datadog
  • Node.js & Express, Nuxt.js
  • WordPress & Woocommerce
  • AWS, docker, kubernetes
  • SQL / NoSQL database
  • GraphQL, REST API, websockets
  • Jest, Testing Library, Cypress


"S Alešem Trundou jsme velice spokojeni, oceňujeme dodržování slíbených termínů, rychlou odezvu v komunikaci i doplňující kreativu k tomu, aby měl web šťávu. Vzhledem k tomu, že s Alešem spolupracujeme k vykrývání vlastních kapacit, oceňujeme, že se na něj můžeme spolehnout jako na vlastního zaměstnance. Práce je vždy precizní s citem ke každé animaci i celé zakázce."

Jakub KofroňBeneficio Media, s.r.o.


Want to start a new project with my or have a general question? Please don't hesitate to contact me.

Address: Malé Hradisko 93, 798 49, Prostějov, Czech Republic
Skype: alestrunda, chat with me
Registration number: 03322823. VAT registration number: CZ03322823.
Registered in public trade licence record.